So with that being said, since I woke up late this morning, I had brunch, which consisted of 2 eggs and six mini slices of ham. Fuck, that's a lot of food, you might be thinking to yourself. Yes, it is. However, I plan on (a) going to the gym shortly to work it off, (b) go grocery shopping soon, so this food will keep my stomach from doing all the buying, and (c) I plan on making this my breakfast and my lunch.
There's nothing better than eggs and ham. I know there are some people who have trouble with the thought of eating unborn chicken, but thank god for eggs. Also, thank god for pigs. The cute Babe-like creatures are also super yummy, especially bacon (which I'm staying away from for my challenge this month).
I was told by my co-worker Simonne, to have a good protein based meal in the mornings. Most of us start off the day with cereals that are laced in sugar and salts that end up making you crash before lunchtime, and making you feel tired throughout the day. She suggested that I change my breakfasts so that I get a good serving of proteins to avoid unnecessary sugars - and let me tell you, it's worked wonders! I no longer feel tired before lunchtime. It should be something everyone tries!
Okay, enough about breakfast, let's talk about dinner. I went to dinner with my friends Alex and Sandy last night to Brassaii to celebrate a new journey they are taking in their lives. I haven't been to Brassaii for dinner (only for boozing) so I was curious to try them out. The food was pretty impressive. I had the short ribs, Sandy had the swordfish and Alex had ravioli. All three were big hits, although the swordfish came with a white foam none of us could really figure out what it was supposed to be. The portions were reasonable and paired with an app, desert and wine, the price was what you'd expect at an establishment like this...pretty pricey (and I had a LivingSocial coupon!)
We balanced off the meal with some bubble tea afterwards. Not healthy true - as its loaded with sugar, so I count that as my cheating moment of the week.
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