My co-worker Amber was kind enough to share some of her strawberries (she had an entire box of them - from a secret admirer no doubt) with me tonight. They were very pretty - large strawberries with a thick layer of dark chocolate and a light drizzle of white chocolate to top it off. I couldn't resist, so I took two (FATTY, I know.) I quickly plowed through my dinner (stirfry, again...) and then started to eat my reward...I mean, dessert.

After one bite
It all went downhill from the moment I touched the chocolate-covered strawberry (CCS for short). First off, there was no stem to grab a hold of, so my fat fingers tried to grasp the leafy parts but they fell off quicker than a prostitutes clothes. Fine, I thought, I'll get my fingers messy and grab the chocolate part. The chocolate immediately started melting an
d the CCS became uncontrollably slippery. FUCK! I silently screamed, as I was only able to eat half the berry and the rest of the chocolate went flying EVERYWHERE. Thank God I wasn't wearing a white shirt...or white pants.
So after picking up all the chocolate bits, I attempted to bite into the second

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