Saturday, February 26, 2011

March Challenge - Read and Write

As my February Challenge of eating healthy comes to a close in two days, it was time for me to reflect upon what I should do for my March Challenge.

First off, to set the expectation, I will take a small hiatus for 2 days at the beginning of March. With 31 days in March, I'll be working on my challenge from March 3 - 30, banking another hiatus day at the end of the month...blogging on an everyday basis is tough!

When thinking of what to do for March, many things crossed my mind. One thought was to do a random act of kindness everyday. But in my mind, if you're going to do an act of kindness, you should do it because you really want to, and not because you're going to brag about it on a blog later. So that was out. Another thought was to reconnect with religion again, but I quickly abandoned that idea after Satan told me not to. (I'm joking about the Satan part.)

Finally, I figured out one thing that I haven't been doing enough of lately, and that was reading nearly enough books, magazines and newspapers, as I mostly rely on television to provide me with the information I need. Well, that's just lazy.

So my challenge to myself this month is to read (I have 3 books on my desk that I got for Christmas that I haven't read yet) and reflect about them on this blog. And I shouldn't limit it to just books, I have a couple of subscriptions to magazines - so I'll also be looking at those to reflect upon in my blog.

Here's a preview of what you can expect starting March 3:
- MacLean's magazine's 6th annual student issue - is getting students hired the only goal of a post-secondary institution?
- A book called Connected - The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives - How Your Friends' Friends' Friends Affect Everything You Feel, Think and Do.
- A book called Future Babble - Why Expert Predictions Fail and Why We Believe Them Anyway.


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