Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March Challenge - Day 14: Sh*t My Dad Says

I recently borrowed the book Sh*t My Dad Says from my friend Jean. This has got to be one of the funniest books I've ever read. It's so funny that I almost fell over the stairclimber at the gym while reading.

This book started off as a Twitter account and soon grew to be so popular that it was turned into a book...and now a TV show. Fuck, if only my Twitter feed could take off that way!

The book led me to think about all the funny things my dad has said over the years. The difference between my dad and the dad in the book is that my dad rarely means to be funny, it just comes out that way due to the fact he doesn't know English all that well. Some of the best lines were:

- "Hello son Terence, please do not drive to Ottawa. It is far, and you will get sleepy, tired and die." (I'm thinking he meant to say, I'd get tired and fall asleep at the wheel causing an accident, but it seems he cut right to the chase)

- "Hello son Terence, I have started eating healthy and no meat. I am a vagetarian" (true spelling, caused torrents of laughter.)

- "Hello son Terence, I've given your brother $1000, $500 to spend on his next flight to Taiwan (um, does he know how much a round trip cost to Asia?) and $500 for him to go buy meat." (apparently, it's okay for us not to be vegetarians).

I do love that my dad provides my brother and I with such great entertainment. Perhaps I should start my own Twitter feed on him.

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