Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Challenge - Day 15: Youtube Symphony Orchestra

For all you music lovers out there, at 5AM EST, Youtube is set to premiere its first Symphony Orchestra by streaming it live from the Sydney Oprah House. A year ago, Youtube asked people to audition by submitting their videos, and the public voted on who should be selected for the orchestra.

If you're up early enough, check it out at:

Youtube showcases each of the members of the orchestra and their audition videos. Google Maps features the locations of where the musicians are coming from around the world. They are also getting the audience involved through augmented reality - users can either print out or snap a photo of it onto their mobile device, activate their webcams and start making their own music by moving the AR bar code along a series of virtual strings. You can record your masterpiece and email it to a friend.

However, Youtube / Hyundai seems to have missed out on an excellent opportunity to design a contest around this and allow a channel for all recorded masterpieces created by this AR experience to be posted, viewed and perhaps voted on by the online community. They also missed out on other SM channels like FB and Twitter and to attract others who might not have known about the Youtube Symphony to go to the site and create their own video.

Try it out - and share with your friends your musical talent using the AR experience. Better yet, if you can wake up early enough, enjoy the symphony play live from the comfort of your own home.

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