Monday, January 31, 2011

February Challenge - The Rules of Engagement

Before I outline what my next 28 day challenge will be like, I wanted to take the time to talk about picky eaters.

I recently saw a Global Toronto report on how to deal with picky children who refuse to eat certain foods. The more and more I watched, I got angrier and angrier. Are these parents serious? They are catering to the food wants of their children? Isn't this ridiculous? I remember as a child, if I refused to eat something, I didn't eat. My mom would take the plate away, and I went hungry. Boy, did I ever learn my lesson fast. My brother on the other hand, never got this punishment, and he's one of the pickiest eaters I know.

The report covered ways on how to incentivize your kids to eat like cut it into fun shapes, get bright colours involved. I was thinking, you can't be serious. How crazy is it that these kids have so much say over what they should consume? This is how kids also become overweight as parents cater to their food wants.

As I shake my head at this, I prepare for my next 28 days where I start a regime of healthy eating. This actually started yesterday, with me preparing my meals for the week.

Obviously, some of the challenges I'll face are:
- social events where food is abundant
- travelling for work (which is happening this week)
- snacks lying around my home and work

I'll have to do my best to be disciplined and avoid unhealthy snacks.

My goals for this month will be the following:
- prepare all meals for work
- eat lean meat (chicken/turkey), vegetables, and no bad carbs
- keep within the 2000 - 2500 caloric budget that men my age are supposed to keep, if not, then exercise to compensate
- NO fast food (nothing fried)
- if I am to eat at a restaurant, I will stick to the healthiest option
- no dairy or juice, just water

Obviously, this challenge isn't as cut and dry as my last challenge, so there will be areas of ambiguity. The biggest challenge will be on fast food - which I love. Sigh, no fat Fridays for four weeks.

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