Day 19 - 9 days left before I complete this challenge! So close yet so far away. However, I am starting to dread next month's challenge of eating healthy. With no access to alcohol this month, I quickly turned to another source of instant gratification - food. Fast food, processed food, every type of food I can get my hands on. This past Tuesday, while watching The Biggest Loser (of all shows) I heffed out on two Haagen Daas ice cream bars, and all this after eating McDonald's for dinner, and some cake and cookies at a friend's house beforehand. Total calorie count - a kabillion.
While I'm still formulating what I can/cannot eat during my Healthy Eating month, a bead of sweat starts to form on my brow...really, what am I getting myself into? I mean, liquor is easy to say no to compared to food. Food is everywhere, especially in my desk at my office - I have a drawer devoted to chocolate.
Just thinking of next month's challenge makes me want to drink to relieve the stress. This is why New Year's resolutions never work!
*Photo credits go to Stef Fabich for capturing my gluttony.
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