Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Challenge - Day 2: Return to work and I head to the bottle.

Day 1 - no, not of my alcohol cleanse. Day 1 of going back to work. While I started the day refreshed and relaxed from the break, after 10 hours tied to my desk, I'm seriously eyeing the Grey Goose on my kitchen counter and sipping it's goodness.

It's not just work that is driving me to want to dip into the bottle, it's the motions of getting ready for work. Waking up this morning was a challenge within itself having slapped the shit out of my snooze button, I practically had to throw myself out of bed in order to stay awake. A shot of vodka would totally get the blood flowing.

Commuting adds to this aggravation - slow-moving TTC cars, sick people who really should stay home and turtle-like geriatrics blocking your way at every turn, how more people don't carry around flasks to dull this pain is beyond me (if not that, then to at least sanitize the handles on the TTC to prevent germ proliferation).

As I started my day at work, I opened my drawer to put away some files I brought home, I realized there was a bottle of tequila still sitting in my cabinet. Damn you, Patron temptress!

Okay, so I'm being dramatic. And no, I certainly did not do shots at my desk (or at home). But getting back into the routine of work really didn't help matters.

Damn, after reading this post, I sound like a major alchy. Seriously folks, I'm not - I just play one on TV.

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