So today, the end of my 3rd week of no drinking, was a nice reminder of how much one can accomplish in a day, when not hampered by a nasty hangover. First, I made a nice breakfast for myself at 730, jumped in the shower at 750 and was out the door to Sobey's by 8. It was a ghost town in there - awesome, no lines! After putting my groceries away, I cleaned my living room and dining room. Not sure what to do with myself, because it was now just only 9am (when most recovering drunks are still buried face deep in their pillows), I was off to the gym for a two hour workout - focus today, core and cardio.
Tic-tock, it's 11:15 (after another shower of course), and I'm out the door to go to my photography class that I purchased via LivingSocial. Mango Studios (located at Richmond and Brant) is a neat little workshop that not only hold large group photo 101 learning sessions, but also one-on-one instruction on how to use your camera. They also do custom framing and all types of photography. The instructors were super nice and incredibly helpful, so I certainly recommend that if you are thinking of taking a class to brush up on your SLR skills, this is a nice place to go.
During the class, I realized how little I knew about photography, even after years of taking copious amounts of photos and even working at Black's Photography during high school. But the lesson was quite inspiring and what I took away from it was to tell better stories with my photos and not just take photos for photo's sake or to upload another album to Facebook.
This course certainly comes in handy as there are several weddings to attend this summer, a possible vacation to Morocco, and a 28 day challenge in July/August in which I have to capture one unique photo in the city.
My favourite photo of the day has to be these lampshades that were located in the lobby of our testing facility. Not only did the camera capture the light well, but now that I see them, they look like giant corktops from giant wine bottles.
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