We've all had that shocking realization the day after a heavy night of drinking. What the fuck, who took that photo and why is it on Facebook?
As an avid photographer, I often take my camera on nights out with friends. And as an avid facebooker, I often post my photos right when I get home. Then the next morning, I get frantic facebook comments saying "delete" or "OMG, why did you post this?!" I always remove photos the moment someone asks me to remove it (that's also why I never tag people either - some people are not so happy with bad photos showing up on their news feed).
After last night's ridonkulous Yahoo! party, many sober (and mostly hungover) attendees were shocked to find their drunken photobooth photos online. Hopefully these people realize that these images are forever on the net and their co-workers will see them in their most embarrassing moment.
Here are top five examples of what NOT to do when you know photos might get placed on the internet:

5. Sure, sure, sure, sure, unsure, unsure, unsure, unsure.
Just as one of the best deodorant commercials ever for Sure said, "be Sure to be dry." No one likes to see wet pits, and the camera is not too kind.

4. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
Cleavage can serve purpose at times. Too much cleav is just trashy. Especially if you point to it.

3. Motorboating
Related to point #4, motorboating have been a fun activity last night with your loved one, but in public, burying your face into someones boobage (man or woman) often cause stares of judgment. If you really want milk that badly, my suggestion is to go to the bar and order some.
I guess some people just have never gotten over their breastfeeding faze. I would let those trying to suckle at the male teet, that they will more likely get more armpit odour than any milk.

2. Know your best light. Make it simple.
99% of us don't know how to use the light to our advantage when taking photos. The other 1% are models who do. Here is a perfect example of someone not knowing what to do with light, its either that or she was going for a Casper the friendly ghost look.
Mistake number two comes into trying to accomplish too many things for one picture. She was clearly trying to rush in and smile at the same time, but she was caught in the moment of rushing in causing her to look like she is about to sneeze or squeeze out a poo.
Better luck next time Casper. Better luck next time.

1. Dry humping.
When asked, what do you want to do when you grow up, some people answer: "porn star." Not all of us can aspire to greatness, so they have to substitute their dreams by acting out their fantasy occupation in a public environment in front of a camera.
Lindsay Lohan-alike was by far the funniest person in front of the camera. She was blitzed and was a great sport when my friend Jean and I shouted out suggestions as to what they should do. It was beyond our wildest imagination that they would do something like Doggie Style (we did not suggest this) in front of a room of 45 people. Let's hope they aren't co-workers...it would make for a very awkward watercooler conversation in the kitchen the next morning.