Oh, Blue Monday. The 3rd Monday of January, which is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Why? Well, two weeks into everyone's New Year's, and no one is holding true to their unattainable resolutions. Fatties have stopped exercising and have opened up that bag of chips, smokers have begun to fill their lungs again with the sweet, sweet clouds of carcinogenic fumes, and lazy parents who've promised to spend more time with their kids stay later and later at work to avoid their nagging anklebiters.
Surprisingly, I seem to be holding true to my resolution and holding on strong through day 15. Also surprising was how Blue Monday wasn't so blue at all. Last week was a bit of a gong show, but today was relaxed and calm. The pessimist in me is staying cautious, wondering, "oh no, what will happen tomorrow..." but all in all, I didn't have a devil on my shoulder today, telling me, "it's okay, just one sip."
How did everyone else's Blue Monday go? Do share!
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