Saturday, March 12, 2011

March Challenge - Day 10: Grandmama's gonna knock you out

An article in this week's MacLean's magazine, "Angry Grannies, Fists of Fury," talks about self-defense classes for the women of Nairobi's slums, in particular, the grandmothers. Years of HIV/AIDS deaths have made many sub-saharan African nations states with a large population of grandmothers having to care for their grandchildren, after their own children have died of the terrible disease. Now, more and more of these grandmothers are finding themselves victims of sexual assaults as young men find themselves desperate enough to attack women twice to three times their age. In fact, 10% of rape cases are now women over the age of 60 - a horrific stat that no woman in their golden years (well, any woman for that matter) should have to endure.

A charity training centre called Streams of Hope and Peace has started defence classes, teaching the basics of karate as well as "dirty tricks" like a swift kick to the groin or fingers in the eyes.

This is so horrific, I don't know where to start. I am saddened to see that this is a reality and that women that have already lived through so much pain and suffering, have to be vigilant about possibly being sexual assault victims themselves.

Going back to my blog a few days back in regards to International Women's Day, this is yet another point to add to that growing list of why we need to step up our fight to ensure equal treatment of the female gender. This charity, and what they are teaching these women of the slums, is helping to empower women and take back the control that these horrible men are trying to seize.

Let's hope the international community helps more charities such as this one and help give more women around the globe ways to defend themselves against attack.

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