Friday, March 11, 2011

March Challenge - Day 8: Rep. Peter King - the new Joe McCarthy

While watching the news tonight, I watched a segment which talked about new hearings in the US Capitol about the radicalization of Muslim extremists in the US. Watching the coverage of it made my blood boil - as it should yours. For more reading, take a look at this LA Times article.

The head of this panel is Republican House Rep. Peter King, who claims by holding these hearings, he is "broken down a wall of political correctness on an issue that needs to be addressed." There's no arguing that terrorism is something that needs to be addressed, however, in targeting one group and claiming they are responsible for the extremist actions happening on US soil reeks of McCarthyism fearmongering.

LA Sheriff Lee Baca was one that was called to testify at the hearings by Democrat representatives on the committee. You might remember him from such appearances as Michael Jackson's death announcement and the many trials and tribulations of Lindsay Lohan. Sheriff Baca testified that narrowing this committee's investigation down to just one religion is short-sighted stating that while 41 cases of reported terror plots since 9/11 were from international and domestic Islamic groups, 77 other cases were from non-Muslim domestic groups alone.

It must be frustrating to be an American again. After 8 years of Bush and the warmongering language spewed by that administration, there was two years of relative calm until now, when the Republicans have regained control of the House.

Of all the issues most pressing to Americans, is this truly one of them? Focusing on Islamic terrorists is a witchhunt to stir up antagonistic feelings and to justify their military actions overseas. Isn't it ironic that those sounding the wardrums and calling for swift action against terrorists are willing to spend trillions on weapons, but criticize their sitting President for trying to put forth plans to spend money on protecting the health of their own citizens?

As I have many Muslim friends and colleagues, I am truly offended by what's happening on this panel. Unjust accusations and bigotry is on display here, not the search for any truth. If you want to talk extremism, fine, but don't just target one group just because of their religious background - there are nutsos from all religious faiths (ahem...Westboro Baptist Church?)

This committee is truly a witchhunt and led by a man trying to stir up trouble where trouble does not exist. He wants to call out Muslims for encouraging and inciting hatred that leads to extremist terrorism. Rep. King, aren't you encouraging and inciting hatred towards your fellow Muslim-Americans and leading those non-Muslim extremists to resort to violence against anyone of the Islamic faith?

Thank goodness Congressmen only get two years per term. Hopefully the people of his district in NY will see his bigotry for what it is and vote him out in 2012.

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