Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March Challenge - Day 13: Assholes

I'm sure most of you are as devastated and shocked as I am by the footage you've seen coming out of Japan. Day after day, the news doesn't get better. With an earthquake then tsunami, they now deal with nuclear meltdown.

But was is more sickening than the horrific video captured by people stuck in the disaster, are the number of fake charities popping up to take advantage of people's generosity. CBC did a feature on this tonight and I am pissed. Now, this is not new - with every disaster comes scammers trying to take advantage of the situation. To avoid being scammed, donate to charities that are easily recognizable (Red Cross), beware of emails that don't link back to a credible website, never send money wires or transfers to a paypal account, and make sure that a tax receipt is issued.

To read more about scammers - go here.

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