Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Challenge - Day 16: Dummies posting video opinions onto the net

Alexandra Wallace, a student at UCLA, posted this video last week in regards to her views about Asians in the libraries (*Note: the link does not go to her Youtube page, rather someone who reposted the video - Alexandra Wallace has removed herself from ALL forms of social media). The video went viral and drew scathing comments and video responses from people of all cultural backgrounds. There are a number of funny responses to Alexandra's original video, two of my favourite are here and here.

Poor, misguided Alexandra. Her attempt at humour (she later claimed in an apology letter she really didn't think people would take offence to her video) crashed and burned like the Hindenberg (God bless those who were lost). And when you post a rant for the consumption of the entire Youtube community, there are a few pointers to keep in mind:

1) Wear something appropriate - I fear that her rant was caused by a lack of oxygen circulation to her brain as the corset she had on to push out her cleavage was likely causing severe asphyxiation. The choice of poor camera attire was likely due to obstructed vision from the 5 - 10 layers of mascara and eyeshadow this poor girl has on. She's channeling her inner Tammy Faye Baker - all she needs is to cry for sympathy.

2) Don't target your hatred on one group of people, cast a wider net. Had she said, I hate people who talk on their phones in the library as opposed to Asians who say "Ching Chong, ling long, ting tong," (which by the way Alexandra, is Chinese for "Bitch, don't listen in on my phone call.") she would have had many more likes as opposed to death threats from the UCLA campus triads. Remember - hate everyone equally, that way, you're an equal opportunity hater.

3) You're less credible when you have slutty pictures in the background. Gurl, we all like people who like to have fun. And what better way to show people you're a fun person by displaying your drunken photos in the background of your vlog? The only problem is, you're trying to do a "serious" talk with the Youtube community. Those pictures ain't helping you out sista friend. Do you see President Obama with his keg stand photos in the background when he does a speech from the Oval office? Okay, Bush might have, but let's get real here, pick a nice backdrop that will give you credibility - for you, I picture burning cross and men with white ghost costumes on as a nice background for your intellectual presentation.

4) Mixing dumb talk and trying to use big words does not work. Alexandra apparently bought a dictionary recently. In the video, she uses words like "epiphany" and one wonders, does she really know what that word means? She mixes that word in between her various valley girl vocabulary (likes and blah, blah, blah) which is like eating $1000 caviar with Premium Plus saltines as a base cracker. You are not kidding anyone - leave the big words to those with +100 IQ.

There are so many other things wrong with this video, but most of the response videos have already addressed those points. The story didn't end well for Alexandra - she has left UCLA, fearing reprisals against her and her family (girl, why you afraid for your family, it's not like your brother, father, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, etc. visit you on the weekends - you're not Asian). On her way off the campus, she was greeted by the hordes of Asian students who brought their families along to wish her a fond goodbye by waving their cellphones up in the air and chanting "Ching chong, ling long, ting tong." By the way, that phrase has a second translation - it also means "Goodbye ugly pig girl."

PS - I wonder if like every other trashy sorority chick on US campuses, she has an Asian character tattoo - OH THE IRONY!

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