Monday, April 4, 2011

April Challenge - Day 3: Ab exercises - the devil's work

I've somehow hurt my wrist (no dirty jokes please) and wasn't able to do much except for some cardio and all abs. Crunches, Situps and Side Crunches - that was the focus today.

Here's an overview:
15min of running
100 crunches (4 sets of 25 reps)
150 situps (6 sets of 25 reps)
50 side crunches (2 sets of 25, each side)

There's nothing great about crunches or situps. I looked like a struggling panda bear trying to get up from a nap. I turned into the morons that grunt and moan at the gym. At one point, I think my legs were wiggling around I was doing some sideway dance in the air.

And I turned into I feel like someone has punched me several times in the gut. This better pay off. Just keep thinking - Thailand, Thailand...

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