Friday, April 1, 2011

March Challenge - Day 24: Election...2008?

So this first week in the election has seen some new (albeit not so great) campaign promises, but also a lot of old rehashed campaign promises from parties from the 2008 and 2006 elections. While it's important to reuse and recycle, regifting campaign ideas and calling them new is terribly unappealing.

Take the Liberal's universal daycare promise for example. They've been promising this since they were in power in the 90s. Has it happened? No. Will it happen? No. Their plan this time, to share the burden with the provinces. Have provinces committed? No. It's like telling investors you have plenty of business partners willing to help fund your idea, but when the investors contact your partners, the partners haven't the foggiest idea.

Then there's the NDP tackling the oil sands issue. It's totally expected of the NDP to put this on their agenda. But let's be honest, even if Canada experiences an orange sweep this election season, Layton would be hard pressed to try to touch the Oil Sands considering the troubles going on in oil rich regions of the world. There is demand - oil sands make money for Canada. Touch that and you risk damaging Canada's economic growth.

As for the Conservatives - minor moves and shifts this campaign - nothing too out of the box considering they want to hold onto their lead. This is the dumbest idea ever as they are slowly watching the Liberals gain more support. It's time for bold action in order to inspire voters to go out and vote and perhaps choose a majority government that has a vision for the country in the next four years. Talk of stability is fine...but stagnation is just around the corner if we don't start making some big moves soon.

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