Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Challenge - Day 4: Exercising my brain

I decided to take a break yesterday, and instead, focused on exercising my political brain. As most of you, I have been very interested in these upcoming federal elections. One particular issue that's been bugging me is the fact that Elizabeth May, leader of our 4th place national party, was not invited to the English and French debates.

So instead of exercising my body yesterday, I exercised my brain and sent Ms. May a suggestion - question is, will she take my suggestion? I hope so.

Hello Ms. May,

While I do not support your party, I have been one of the many thousands of Canadians infuriated by your alienation from the English and French national debates by both the media consortium and the other federal parties. It is embarrassing that this country that professes to be a democratic society, shuts out a legitimate 4th national party and putting a regional separatist party at higher standing.

I think your fight to be included in the national debates is admirable, however, it looks like at this point to be a lost cause. So here's an idea. If they won't include you (likely because they are all afraid to debate you), hold your own Youtube town hall during both debates. Live stream and take live questions as opposed to the questions filtered by the national media. Reach out to the Youth vote. Reach out to those who are disenchanted with the state of Canadian politics. Do the unconventional and go online, while the rest rely on traditional media.

Use social media to your advantage - with the groundswell of support you've had on Facebook, I wouldn't be surprised if you get more views than the leader's debate. Get your candidates in key ridings you can win to follow up with linked videos. With the debates just a week away, focus your efforts on doing your own thing, as opposed to a system which is clearly out to exclude you.

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you do take my suggestion - if you do, I'll definitely watch you over the leader's debate.


Terence Jou

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