Monday, January 31, 2011
February Challenge - The Rules of Engagement
Sunday, January 30, 2011
January Challenge - Day 28: And it's over as quickly as it began.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
January Challenge - Day 27: One more day more!

With day 28 just around the corner (less than 3 hours in fact), I am starting to look forward to my next 28 day challenge. Eating healthy.
January Challenge - Day 26: Stuff Drunk People Like

Thursday, January 27, 2011
January Challenge - Day 25: The Day After and the Photos You Regret Taking

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
January Challenge - Day 24: I did not break!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
January Challenge - Day 23: Tomorrow...tomorrow, will I crack, tomorrow?

Monday, January 24, 2011
January Challenge - Day 22: Some people can really really drive you to drink.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
January Challenge - Day 21: Incredibly Productive Day
Saturday, January 22, 2011
January Challenge - Day 20: Sports games with no booze = no fun

Friday, January 21, 2011
January Challenge - Day 19: Addicted to food

Day 19 - 9 days left before I complete this challenge! So close yet so far away. However, I am starting to dread next month's challenge of eating healthy. With no access to alcohol this month, I quickly turned to another source of instant gratification - food. Fast food, processed food, every type of food I can get my hands on. This past Tuesday, while watching The Biggest Loser (of all shows) I heffed out on two Haagen Daas ice cream bars, and all this after eating McDonald's for dinner, and some cake and cookies at a friend's house beforehand. Total calorie count - a kabillion.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
January Challenge - Day 18: Not feeling well

My head is pounding. I can only imagine it's not going to get any better. It's comparable to some of the worst hangover headaches I've ever had. I really hope I'm not getting sick, but this is probably the case. There's a lingering sickness hanging around at work - it's either that or I caught it from some sicko on the TTC.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
January Challenge - Day 17: The after work drink, why it's so necessary

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January Challenge - Day 16: On a more serious note...

Monday, January 17, 2011
January Challenge - Day 15: Blue Monday

Sunday, January 16, 2011
January Challenge - Day 14: Golden Globes night with no booze
Saturday, January 15, 2011
January Challenge - Day 13: Meh

Friday, January 14, 2011
January Challenge - Day 12 - How to act drunk gooder

Thursday, January 13, 2011
January Challenge - Day 11: Jersey Shore liver
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
January Challenge - Day 10: Is SHE drunk?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
January Challenge - Day 9: I miss the LCBO.
Monday, January 10, 2011
January Challenge - Day 8: My first drink...

Sunday, January 9, 2011
January Challenge - Day 7: Discovery of a new drinking game
Saturday, January 8, 2011
January Challenge - Day 6: Winter Wonderland - need a fireplace stat

Friday, January 7, 2011
January Challenge - Day 5 The Martini Glass...of Ice Cream

Thursday, January 6, 2011
January Challenge - Day 4 Holding Strong through Laughter
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
January Challenge - Day 3 - Go Canada Go!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January Challenge - Day 2: Return to work and I head to the bottle.
Monday, January 3, 2011
January Challenge - Day 1

A New Year, A New Challenge!
I've been tinkering around with an idea on a new challenge for myself this year. Leading up to the new year, I have been thinking about something that would keep me focused in 2011.
Blogging has always been something I have wanted to do, but has never stuck. I tried a reality TV blog with a friend once, and that lasted only though one summer. I tried a food critic blog, and well, that adventure almost broke the bank. Friends tell me that I write well, and have an odd but appealing sense of humour (as per all my Facebook status updates), so blogging should come as second nature. I've just lacked commitment (warning to all potential suitors out there, I have commitment issues).
So - done, blogging. One challenge added to the list. Now, what to blog about? Of course, it has to be something interesting, something with content sustainability, and something that will motivate me to do something new everyday.
This led me to the idea of a 28 day challenge. For 28 days in a row, I will challenge myself to doing something and sticking to it. Why 28 days you ask? 1) It accounts for the shortest month in our year (February); 2) Since it's Jan 3, I've already lost a couple of days this month; and 3) It'll give me a few days to recoup from the previous month's challenge.
Giving it even more thought, I said to myself, okay, while these 28 Day Challenges can't be super crazy or time consuming (I do have a job that is already quite time consuming), they can't be super lame either. After brainstorming, I came up with 2011 (somewhat) planned out:
Phase 1 (January - May) - Improving Myself
January - Give up alcohol
February - Eat healthy
March - Tossup: Learn one new thing / Revisiting faith and spirituality / Do one nice thing
April - Train for the Sporting Life 10K
May - Give up watching TV (during sweeps!)
My friends will likely doubt that I'll even get past January, but I have done 24 days without drinking, and that was when I was working at Saatchi - now all I need to do is to make it to 28 (days, not years to live). As for eating healthy, the goal is to stay below my daily intake of calories, sugars, fats and sodium. March is still a toss up between the three listed up there, well, I still have two months to decide. April will be all about physical fitness as I gear up for my annual Sporting Life run in May. And I am sure in May, my biggest challenge to date will be to give up TV for a month, and it's the worst month to give it up, it's during sweeps! Yes, this will include not watching TV via the internet.
Phase 2 (June - September) - Discovering New Things
June - Travel
July - Going to small restaurants in Toronto and ordering something new
August - Take one photo on an interesting thing I see in Toronto
September - (aligned perfectly with TIFF) One new movie everyday
I thought Phase 2 should be all about discovering new things. With plans to attend a wedding on the West Coast, it might be the perfect time for me to also take a vacation elsewhere in June (pending approval from work, of course). July will be interesting for my stomach as well as for my wallet. With my other passion of photography, August will certainly be a great month for me to take and comment on a photo each day. And with TIFF happening in September, one new movie shouldn't be that tiring.
Phase 3 (October - December) - Up in the air
October - Helping out my community
November - Making a new dish
December - TBD
Phase 3 is still a bit up in the air and with it being ten months away, likely subject to change in regards to topics.
Overly ambitious, you say? Yes. It is. That's why it's a challenge. Will I trip and fall along the way? Probably, and I'm sure unforeseen circumstances might force me to drop one or two challenges. But this is a learning experience. Rather than not doing anything for 2011, this will force me to do something, anything than just wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV and go to sleep.
If you choose to follow me ( - I ask that you be encouraging and while I always like a joke or two, know that I'll be taking these challenges seriously - try not to be discouraging or mean. Here's to a new year with a host of new challenges! Maybe you'll think of doing one yourself!