Sunday, January 9, 2011

January Challenge - Day 7: Discovery of a new drinking game

Sunday night and I travelled to Alex and Sandy's house to have dinner (go to Sandy's blog for a full account of what we had as a meal:

The meal was fantastic and a lovely wine would have gone so well with the dinner. My friends were kind and also refrained from drinking anything in support of my month's refrain from alcohol.

After dinner, we started to play a game that Sandy's sister, Julia, had introduced to the couple. (Alex tells me that I rarely credit the right people for their ideas, so there.) The game (name was never introduced) would be a great drinking game. Here's the sober version (4 or more people are needed):

1) Everyone gets a sheet of paper.
2) One person is the question asker. They ask a question to
the group like: "If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be? You can either be honest, or wildly ridiculous.
3) Everyone else writes their answer down and hand their piece of paper to the person sitting on the question asker's right.
4) That person who collected the paper, reads out all the answers to the question asker, and the question asker must assign an answer to each person. If there is a repeated answer, the person reading out the answers must make the question asker aware that there is a repeat, but it's up to the person to assign who gave the answers. (i.e. if there were 2 answers for red and one for blue, the collector would say that red and blue were answers and one of the answers had more than one person select it. The question asker would have to assign either red, red, blue OR think it's blue, blue, red).
5) For each answer they assign correctly, they get a point.
6) Play for several rounds to determine a winner.

The drinking component would have the question asker drink for every answer they assign incorrectly.

Even though we weren't drinking, we still ended up giving terribly inappropriate answers to each question including:
- What would your elf name be? One answer was "Horny"
- What one word would describe who you are? Someone said "C*nt"

Hilarious. Avi ended up winning.