Monday, January 10, 2011

January Challenge - Day 8: My first drink...

No, no...don't worry. I didn't take my first drink today. I haven't caved that easily. However, an article I read today on parenting (if you're interested in a controversial read on Asian vs. Western parenting, click here) that made me think about my parents and their views on drinking.

I believe it was my dad who gave me my first taste of alcohol. I was five, he poured some Molson's Canadian into a plastic cup and said I should try it (I'm sure he thought it was hilarious). I remember clearly that I was incredibly disgusted by the taste. Surprisingly, I am still disgusted by the taste of Canadian, now that I've tried other great beers like Sapporo and Stella.

I remember my first drink of liquor, which was around 13. There was a mickey of vodka in the fridge (my mom wasn't a big drinker). I snuck one shot out of the mickey and remembered how gross it was. Then I felt dizzy and all giggly.

The first time I got drunk - sadly, I don't remember, I think I was actually that drunk. However, I do remember that in high school, my friend Holly threw awesome house parties where booze was A-OK. Her mom was super cool. My drink of choice at the time was a bottle of Captain Morgan's spiced rum as it was the only bottle I could sneak out of the house.

Oh, and the first time I got in trouble with drinking was in my last year of high school, where I got suspended for drinking on school property. How silly. I did get three days off school though.

Sigh, all these firsts. And I'm pretty sure that the end of this month will be another first - I don't think I've gone 28 days without having one drink since 2nd year university. Crazy!

I'd be interested to hear what your first alcohol experiences were like - that way, I don't feel like such an alchy.

1 comment:

  1. I read that article today too. An interesting read to say the least.
